Taylor and grandma Lyn, nice smiles, eh?

These egg colors are like small paint rollers, they were slick, but really strong dye, so we have it all over our fingers.

Taylor did a terrific job on being neat, but grandma dropped her egg and it landed right in the middle of the paint tray, and Taylor is now all spotted with red dye. HA, we really hooted about that !

Taylor had been with her other grandma for retakes on her Miss Cutie Rhody pics, so her hair is straight and in a bun, whats showing is lose from the ponytail i put it in.....her hair is soooo long, i just want to grab my scissors and bob it! She has the most wonderful curly hair, seems a share to waste it!

It's conference weekend, we have Taylor and we dont get her for Easter... So we colored eggs on Pre-easter Sat. Eggs is eggs! And watching Conference on Sunday, we talked to her about the Savior and the Prophet, so its all good. Here are a couple of shots form our time with Taylor. Papa doesnt feel well, so we took advantage of that and put stickers all over his face while he was napping! HA!
Wow, she's getting really big!
And her hair is long too! I thought that maybe it just went straight! just straightend for pictures, eh? It looks nice, but I do like it curly too!
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