Sunday, April 29, 2007

Taylor's Weekend...Page Two

Taylor posing for me The line to get into the forest
Cinderella's castle was the first thing on the trail to see

We went to the Enchanted Forest today! We haven't been since Bethany was still in high school and Steven had never been! Taylor had a wonderful time, as did her papa and I. Terry was supposed to go, but alas, he was out all night, and that makes it hard to get up in the morning. She said it was ok, he didnt have to come if he needed to sleep. Out of the mouths of babes. . . The Forest is located jsut south of Salem in Sunnyside and it was a beautiful day to climb mountains! ( its all built on the hillside and in the woods. . cobblestone trails, but hills still!)

1 comment:

Madison McShinsky said...

That isnt like you to only take 3 pictures! Looks like fun though!