Here's taylor on the jumpoline. . . can you start to get a feel for how MESSY this is becoming??

Well, maybe this will give you a better perpective! HOLY COW. . what a bunch of mess!

We're waiting for a day to borrow Lac's trailor and haul off a load to the dump!

Taylor and I have been reading the Berinstein Bear books outside to keep papa on task! Poor papa. . . its been a rough day. . his saw has failed and its made him FIESTY!!! ( We got it going!)
Wow, it's really really messy :) too bad i'm not there to help you clean it up......that would have been fun...... :)
I can fly you out. . . get Brent to watch the children for a day or two. . .
That is really messy! although I don't think it looks like fun to clean up..are you sure we're related??
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