Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers'Day in Oregon

After church with taylor and her papa.. . .
The primary children made crowns as part of their lesson today and learned that they were part of Heavenly Fathers kingdom and that the Savior was the King! Then they were to take the crowns home and let their fathers have a day in their "kingdoms". Here's papa wearing the crown.
Here's dad wearing his RS corsage made from candy kisses. . . .nifty eh?


Madison McShinsky said...

Our ward never does anything fun like that..the kids didn't even make cards in primary!

Madison McShinsky said...

Oh ya, were the McShinskys in church today? There family is getting smaller and smaller Mike or James this year!

Madison McShinsky said...

Oh and one more thing..I think Tay needs a haircut..

a said...

Dad's looking pretty good!

Our ward made "socks" for our dads. Not real socks. Just stocking from construction paper, hole punched around the edges, and the primary kids laced it with yarn last week. There was a nice poem on it, and they filled it with candy. Then, they passed it out in church. Very nice.

Lyn said...

I would be cutting it if I had any say, but its not my call. . . i cut her bangs everytime I get her as it is HA Maybe we can talk to Dee about getting it trimmed at least. . .