Friday, June 15, 2007

The Real Work. . .

Before we could dig the hole, Steven had to climb in the crawl space in Tay's room and make his way to the end of the house. We had to dig a hole by the foundation to hand Steven a couple of cement blocks to hold everything up while they replaced the bad timber. So taylor offered tohelp dig the hole. Notice her spider gloves. Papa told her he had on spider gloves cuz he was UNDER the house where there were tons of spiders. Remember now that she is afraid of spiders. . .but with the gloves on, she could hold one! GO figure that!
Here's the hole, I broke the shovel with the first try, so we used an old pitch fork and it was good from there. You can see dad in there in his spider shirt ( its plaid)
Steven is down in the hole under the floor.
Here's the hole with tay and her spider gloves and Grandma Ida helping out.
The girls are picking up old bad MDR. . .it was really rotten.


a said...

So Dad couldn't get out until you dug the hole. Poor dad! I think I would have had a panic attack!

Lyn said...

No he got in thru the crawl space in Tay's room. We had to dig the hole to give him the cinder blocks for bracing. He never got out the hole!

Madison McShinsky said...

Thats what I thought at first too..and I was thinking it was a tiny hole for Dad to fit! Then I read what ya wrote..ha