For those of you who have never been to the public dump. . .its AWESOME! It does smell nasty, but the thrill of throwing things over the "cliff" and hearing it smash and break and AHHHH, its so much fun!! We have now finished this phase of the house construction and are now waiting to do the fences and swingset. Poor Steven is really dranggin' hiis feet on these projects! Yep! thats Grandma Ida! After working her for three hours at my work today, I made her come and have more fun with us at the dump!! We went to the A&W after for mini corndogs ( yes, we went home and cleaned up first) HAAAAA

Steven in his 'good' work clothes. . .what a fashion plate he is.
I've never been to the dump before..looks kinda nasty..
it IS, but that's what makes it fun!!
Awe, the dump! Gotta love it :)
Hey Lyn...you should put my website links on your site. I just added you to my Harty Family history site...
Here are the links...
If you don't know how, Bethany can do it for you.
At least the Civil War Harty site, as it has pics of us at events.
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