Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Case Of Poison Oak. . . .

My lovely case of the unknown rash. . turns out that the doc thinks!! its poison oak. . .but she's not really sure. . . and for that you pay them 20.00 bucks! I'm SOOOO glad that i have insurance, cuz i really wouldnt like to have payed MORE!! She put me on some steriods for a couple of days and said if its not better than, call for more pills!!! Nice huh???? Check out my poor ear. . .it was so swollen that it was throbbing!


Madison McShinsky said...

It really doesn't look that bad in the pictures..hope it gets better soon though!!

Lyn said...

It was totally on the mend by then, i never got good ones of it bad! Duh! sorry

a said...

Looks itchy. Nasty poison oak!

CSA Brent said...

Just be glad it isn't pussing out real heavy like it does with me! I got it on my shin when we took a hike up Mt. Pisgah (I barely touched one leaf) and it took well over a month to get rid of it! And I was real disciplined to not scratch it. Poison Oak itches twice as bad as Poison Ivy...which is of course bad enough! My empathies...