The boys on Sat. morning. . .

Tim the tool time man and AL!!!!

Tay got hit in the eye when papa droppped something off the roof. . . look out below was never heard!!! She was fine after a cool cloth. . . and some hugs!

Lac on the roof. . . Ann had her baby on Wed. a little girl, Danin Ellis. Congrats!!

Lac came over and helped Steven build the chimmney roof. Thanks Brian!!

Pointing out the little green thing.

Our yearly praying mantis! We found this one in the backyard. . Taylor was NOT nearly as brave as she was last year. . as a matter of fact, it freaked it totally out!!

Riding her bike while the men were building. . .

The finished thing. . let's see how it came to be! Ha this is becuz I cant rememebr to load them backwards! AHH

She loved using the cutter thing...

Cleaning out the guts wasnt her favorite thing, but she did it.

Ralph Loren clad and ready for church. Thanks Aunt Madi for your keen shopping at the DI