Monday, March 10, 2008

Florence Ward Spring Fling. . .

Bishop Jim as our MC
Po doing her Samoan dance
Our youth doing a jig!
Baby Austin


Becky said...

Oh I miss Florence! I'll skip my adventure in Germany if I can move back! Obviously you're still having as much fun as ever in the Ward. Can't get over how much Anna looks like Rachel!

a said...

Hehehe. So funny! What was up with the vacuum cleaner thing? Was it making a noise? So funny!

I'm with Becky! At least I want to come for a VISIT!!!

Chris & Stephanie said...

I LOVE THIS! I'm so glad to get peaks back into the 'ole ward! I miss it!
It is so crazy to see how grown up those kids are - I used to carry those kids around on my hip!!

Lyn said...

Yeah for YW who remain loyal to their roots YEAH!! Love you girls!