Ladies from our ward from the Stake temple day, April Mitchell, Deena Mitchell,Vonnie Suckow, me,Bess Herndon in the back, Grandma Ida, Jean Nelson, Betty baker and Opal Lundy


Medford Temple Feb. 23, 2008

Mom and I outside the temple before the sealing

Steven and I and Grandma and the Suckows. . it only seemed fitting the the Suckows were at her sealing since they were at ours all those years ago.

Steven and I and Granny after the sealing. . I think my mom had a grand time today. .getting married does that to a girl!
Yeah Grandma Ida! We're so proud of you :) I know how much Papa Lucky loved you, and still does!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO happy for all of you!
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