We had our Primary Quarterly Activity today and in preparation for Rhody Days, we had an International day with members!

Taylor and CJ ( his dad is from Hong Kong and his mom's from Japan!)

Ann and Danon with Chrissy and Austin

Otis Wade and his girls. . he's from Granada

Chris Weraty and Simon. . Chris went to school on a hockey scholarship in Sweden when is was in high school, he actually graduated there!

Dad and Danon

Brother Weraty

The Granada group

Chris. . the photos of him in white are his grad pics. . zoom in for a better look!

Merritt Mitchell served his mission in Mexico

Sister Tiu is from Japan . . the red band means that she can still have children! No one wears red if they cant!. . No red here!! Some colors mean you are single and others mean you are married! Who knew??

Brother Tiu is from Hong Kong and Sister Blue served a mission in Germany.

The natives were getting restless!!

Eating seaweed snacks!

Taylor and baby Austin

The group

Tay and CJ

Making USA flags. . . nice stripes there Tay!

Samatha Wade

Camp and the Tiu boys


Making maps of the world with coffee filters and food coloring. . kinda not what April had supposed, but they had fun!

Collin Mitchell wearing the world!

Sammy Tiu